About organizers

Romanian Society of Medical Informatics

Romanian Society of Medical Informatics (RSMI) is a scientific, professional, non-governmental organization that aims to actively promote research by growing the medical informatics community, a mix of academic, commercial, and medical professionals.

SRIM has members with diverse backgrounds: medical professionals, IT experts, engineers, mathematicians and other professionals working in the field of medical informatics.

University of Medicine and Pharmacy Craiova

The University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Craiova, through its faculties and specializations of undergraduate, master’s and doctoral studies, is an academic institution in which the educational component is predominant, but in which scientific research must gain in size and substance, with a clear perspective balancing the two components in the medium term.

At the same time, the University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Craiova must become the pivot of medical assistance, both in terms of methodology and practical specialized activities, in the historical region of Oltenia.


West University of Timișoara

The West University of Timișoara (UVT) advocates for an education correlated with the immediate needs of the labor market, an education that aims, in addition to scientific performance and socio-economic employment, to reveal the human personality as a whole.

West University of Timișoara has its foundations on the sustainable tradition of higher education supported by the establishment in Timișoara of the Faculty of Philosophy (1841) and then of the Faculty of Law (1845). Today, the West University of Timișoara offers 73 undergraduate programs and 87 master’s degree programs in 34 fields, and doctoral studies in 12 fields.


Conference Chair

Sorana D. Bolboacă
Prof. Dr. Habil., M.Sc., M.D.

Mircea Sebastian Șerbănescu
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Habil., M.D.

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Sebastian Stefaniga

Sebastian Aurelian Ștefănigă
Lecturer Dr. Eng.

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Scientific Program Committee


Todor IVascu
Lecturer Dr.

Ariana-Anamaria Cordos

Ariana Anamaria Cordoș



Organizing Committee

Călin Muntean
Lecturer Dr., M.D.

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Technical Support

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Soo you soon

Soo you soon

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